Tuesday 1 November 2016

Reflective Production Post

Filming days- 21st and 31st October

On Friday 21st October we filmed mainly establishing shots and location shots as our artist, George, wasn't available. This allowed me and Sam to play around with some camera shots and experiment which shots are effective and relate to our genre of music as well as our narrative. Additionally, we tried getting many lense flares and out of focus to in focus shots trying to make our music video look professional and eye-catching. The only problem was some shots we filmed were out of focus and also some shots were too shaky to use in our music video. Next time, we will practice more with the fig rig to make our shots more steady, and to film the shots more than once to try and achieve a better focus. From these 2 filming sessions we can see that, we need to reshoot some shots from morden park which were shaky and need to go to putney bridge and georges house. Our next filming session will be Friday 4th October.

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