Tuesday 29 November 2016

First Draft Feedback

After handing in our first draft on the 22nd November, which had been completed the day before. We received both a grade and constructive feedback to improve the grade.However, we also got a piece of constructive criticism stating that we needed something else running throughout the video, for example a storyline which keeps being jumped back to. Due to our video becoming very repetitive switching between the artist being alone, then with a guitar and then at a different location. Therefore, we believe that we should get a female performer, and create a storyline around the artist losing the girl, and wanting her to "come home" relating the story line. This storyline may be around 1-1:30 minutes long and it is played periodically thorough the music video, and the spaces around the story are filled with our favourite shots of the current draft.

Friday 25 November 2016

Editing Post 5

Editing Post - 25th November

On the 25th November we went through our first drafting decidng what shots we liked and therefore will still use in the video and the shots we didnt like and will change or improve as some shots that are included are out of focus, shaky or chop the top of the artists head off and in that case need to be retaken. Additionally, in this editing session we decided to cut some shots to the beat of the snare drum instead of the general beat to the song to see if the shots went better with the beat. The conclusion of this is that at certain parts in the song the shots that cut to the beat of the snare drum are effective and work well with the music but in other areas the snare drum isnt as effective meaning that we will use the general beat for these shots. So in our music video the shot
s used for the chrous and two versus will cut to the beat of the snare drum where as the other shots included will cut to the general beat.  



Tuesday 22 November 2016

Locations in our music video

Locations included in our music video
Putney Bridge 

Putney Bridge will be one of our day time locations as we feel that its an appropriate location for our music video as its iconic and relates to our artist being lonely as in the day Putney Bridge is quite empty. 
   Stayton Road 
Stayton road will be the location where we will be filming our night time shots, as this round has an alley that we wanted to use as well as a cul-de-sac in order to highlight George's lonelinessand to make him isolated in the location.

Morden Park 

Our final location is Morden Park, which was another day time location as we also believe this is a lonely location and will show that our artist is isolated. We hope it will highlight the narrative of our music video.

Song Permission

Production and Editing Post 4

Music Video First Draft

- Some excellent camera work on display
- Lens flare works well especially near river
-Nice variation of lighting 
-The beginning works very well 

-More Cutaways needed as the video is too repetitive
-Pick up editing pace near the end with guitar solo
-Close to chopping Georges head of in some shots
-Extreme close ups needed
-Include something creative with the 'home' lyric.

Friday 18 November 2016

Reflective Editing Post

Tuesday 1st November 

This was our first day of editing, we only had shots for one location which was Morden at this time. We just started our project on Premiere Pro, importing all the shots we have filmed on to the draft and started to link up some lip syncing shots to the correct position in the song. Overall, in this session of editing we foucsed on the establishing shots of Morden at the start of the music video and linked up the shots we had of George lip-syncing to the music using different shots to see what went well with the lyrics and relate the shots we used in our animatic to the shots in our editing project. 

 Tuesday 8th November 

The following tuesday, we now had shots from Putney and Morden so our editing was mainly to link up the lip syncing shots that we filmed in Putney to the song. Once we done this, we were able to cut shots where we wanted and start making up our music video, using the shots from both Morden and Putney. In conclusion, we used this time to link up our lip syncing shots at Morden and Putney to the correct lyrics in the song as well as cutting some shots to the beat to make the video more effective.

Tuesday 15th November

Now that we had all our shots from 2 locations into Premiere Pro, it meant that we could start making our music video draft by cutting up shots and matching them to the cut of the beat. After this period of 3 hours to edit, we had our shots cutting to the beat as well as verse 1 & 2 nearly complete, with just a few more shots left to use. In order to complete our filming, we need to film at night where we need to start a fire which we are doing on the Sunday 20th November.

Star Image Audience Research

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Post Production Post 3

Filming date- 11th November

On the 11th November we went back to Putney Bridge to reshoot some shots as some shots from the previsous filming day was blurring and therefore we needed to take some more shots making sure they werent out of focus. Furthermore, we needed to record more singing shots of George as well as shots with the guitar. Additionally, some of the last shots we took had poor lighting but thankfully whilst recording on the 11th the weather was alot better as it was sunny meaning the lighting for the shots are improved as the artist is more noticeable. With the guitar we took some tracking shots, pans, close ups, lens flares and long shots as these were the shots we wanted to use in our music video. However, some shots were a bit shaky so we decided to film some shots more then once to make sure that the shots were steady and in focus in order for us to use them in our video. 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Reflective Production Post

Filming days- 21st and 31st October

On Friday 21st October we filmed mainly establishing shots and location shots as our artist, George, wasn't available. This allowed me and Sam to play around with some camera shots and experiment which shots are effective and relate to our genre of music as well as our narrative. Additionally, we tried getting many lense flares and out of focus to in focus shots trying to make our music video look professional and eye-catching. The only problem was some shots we filmed were out of focus and also some shots were too shaky to use in our music video. Next time, we will practice more with the fig rig to make our shots more steady, and to film the shots more than once to try and achieve a better focus. From these 2 filming sessions we can see that, we need to reshoot some shots from morden park which were shaky and need to go to putney bridge and georges house. Our next filming session will be Friday 4th October.

20 second preview