Tuesday 13 December 2016

Advertisement Planning

We decided to go for 2 initial poster designs for our music video advertisment both consisting of a grey background, black font, a picture of the artist (either a close up or full body shot), the album release date, songs from the album, a social media link and the name of the album and artist.

We still havent decided which style of poster to go for, but we agreed that these styles are the most effective as they portray the artist the best as a big picture is displayed meaning that the audience can clearly see the artist of the album in addition to the name of the album due to the font being large meaning it will stand out. Additionally a grey background is used as it illustrates the mood of the songs as well as the genre of music. However, we used black font to show the rock side of the indie rock genre.

Editing Post 6

Editing Post- 13th December

On December 13th we completed our final draft for our music video by adding in the footage we had taken the day before of George and Amy (our girl actress) and the fire shots. We also added effects to the shots which included Amy as we wanted to indicate that these were memories from the past and therefore added a black and white effect to illustrate that to the audience. Furthermore, we changed other shots in the video to other shots as we believed that the suited the storyline more such as we changed a shot of George sitting on the bench to a shot of both George and Amy to highlight their relationship. Finally, we changed the shots around to go with a different beat at some points during the music video as we believed this made the music video more interesting.

Production Post 5

Production Update

Addition of an actress  
We are planning to includea female into our music video. We decided to do this as we feel we needed something else to catch the viewer's attention, because right now there are too many shots of just George, which makes our video a bit repetitive. The female we have chose to use, is Amy as, although it works with our shooting schedule because she if also free these days, she also goes well with our brand, as she is the same age, and fits in with our music video well. By adding a female, this should show our storyline better of George being lost over a girl, which we will show by George and Amy becoming further apart as the music video progresses.

We are planning to film there shots on, Sunday 11th December and Monday 12 December. On sunday, we are planning to film at night, and do the shots with the fire in at George's house. We just need a few shots at the end of our music video, which will consist of George standing next to the fire, thinking of the girl, and a shot of George from a low angle with the fire infront of him. On Monday, we are going to Morden after school to film the shots needed with George and Amy. We have a few shots ideas, such as both walking away from the camera, and towards the camera, both sitting on the bench together, etc. We will also get some night shots of George and Amy whilst at Morden Park.

Friday 9 December 2016

Digi Pack Planning

During the planning stage of making our digi pack we decided to use colour to give our pictures more detail making it easier for our viewers to understand what is going on in each picture, however for the actual digi pack we will be using a greyscale colour scheme as well as a khaki coloured font to relate to our theme (loneliness) and them colours relate to our artists costume in our music video.  

Indie Music Mood Board